Daring Relationships™

The Daring Relationships™ program empowers individuals to cultivate a relationship based on love, honesty, authenticity and trust in a supportive environment that nurtures both parties.

With a focus on the relational dynamic of the couple (simultaneously or in separate sessions), Daring Relationships™ embraces individual need, appreciates difference and encourages compassion in a non-confrontational way.

By developing communication and shame resilience skills, couples will learn to embrace the positive attributes of empathy, gratitude and joy.
Discover Daring Relationships in the following ways:

  • Daring Intensives (2 full day workshops);
  • Daring 8-week groups;
  • Daring 4-week groups;
  • individual sessions.

Find out more about upcoming Daring in Sydney events…

Find out more about The Daring Way™…