Daring Organisations™

Spending more time in the workplace than at home is not uncommon. Daring in Organisations™ positions individuals as leaders who are able to cultivate a culture of acceptance at work.

Providing guidance and a toolkit for mitigating an environment of blame and shame, Daring in Organisations™ champions bravery and courage in the workplace, with a specific focus on innovation.

By fostering skills applicable to any work environment, this program is ideal for teams and team leaders looking to inspire and reinvigorate their workplace.

Particular attention is paid to developing teamwork and leadership skills through application of The Daring Way™ curriculum.

Discover Daring in Organisations™ in the following ways:

  • Daring Intensives (2 full day workshops);
  • Daring 8-week groups;
  • Daring 4-week groups;
  • individual sessions.

Find out more about upcoming Daring in Sydney events…

Find out more about The Daring Way™…